
作者: 玛丽卡迈克尔, CRISC, CISA, CPA, Member of ISACA Emerging Trends Working Group
发表日期: 2023年5月2日
相关: crisc风险和信息系统控制认证

在当今日益复杂的世界, 各组织面临公共卫生带来的日益严峻的挑战, 经济, 环境和地缘政治冲击. These events highlight the potential consequences of inadequate risk 管理ment, 哪些会导致损失, 监管行动和股价下跌. 作为风险专家, recognizing the value of collective risk leadership is essential for managing uncertainties that organizations face in an interconnected world.

The collective risk leadership framework ac知识s that effective risk 管理ment requires a holistic approach, considering the interconnected nature of various risks and their potential impact on an organization. By engaging in shared decision-making and adopting a collaborative approach to risk 管理ment, 面对不确定性,组织可以增强其弹性. This approach moves away from relying on a single individual or authority figure to lead the risk 管理ment process, 相反,培养跨部门分担责任的文化.

在这个博客中, 我们研究了集体风险领导的令人信服的案例, 讨论其驱动因素和好处, 同时探索ISACA的 风险及资讯系统控制证书 凭据是支持此框架的关键组件. CRISC认证为专业人员提供了基本技能, 知识, 并且需要专业知识来识别, 评估, 管理, 并监控组织内部的风险. 通过促进集体风险领导框架, CRISC-certified professionals empower organizations to navigate the intricate and unpredictable landscape of risk 管理ment more effectively.

Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Business Landscape with Collective Risk Leadership

The adoption of collective risk leadership is driven by several key factors that emphasize the need for a more collaborative, integrated and proactive approach to risk 管理ment in today’s complex business environment:

  • 增加了复杂性和互联性: The complex nature of modern business environments and the interconnectivity of risks demand a more comprehensive and collaborative approach to risk 管理ment. 例如, 随着全球供应链变得越来越相互依赖, organizations must work with various stakeholders to identify and address risks impacting multiple levels of the supply chain.
  • 监管要求: 监管机构现在呼吁采取更综合的风险管理方法, 需要集体风险领导. 例如,金融机构必须遵守以下规定 《澳门赌场官方下载》(Basel III),强调整个组织的综合风险管理.
  • 利益相关者的期望: 随着投资者, 客户, 员工也越来越期望有效的风险管理, 需要一种更具协作性和透明度的办法. Adopting collective risk leadership demonstrates a commitment to managing risks and enhancing stakeholder confidence.

The critical success factors for adopting collective risk leadership includes fostering a culture of shared responsibility, 提倡公开沟通,鼓励跨部门合作. 通过接受这些因素, organizations can effectively 管理 risks in an increasingly interconnected world.

The CRISC certification plays a pivotal role in enabling collective risk leadership by equipping professionals with the skills, 识别的知识和专业知识, 评估, 管理和监控组织内的风险. 作为这个框架的关键支柱, CRISC helps organizations navigate the complex risk 管理ment landscape and ensures a more resilient and adaptable response to uncertainties.


The CRISC certification serves as a catalyst for both employees and organizations in the realm of risk 管理ment. By 投资CRISC培训, 组织赋予他们的员工识别的技能, 评估和管理风险, 在不确定性中培养韧性和适应性的文化. This credential provides employees with the 知识 required to excel as effective risk leaders.

此外, CRISC enables professionals to develop an in-depth understanding of risk 管理ment, 包含风险识别, 评估, 响应和监测. 通过优先考虑员工的CRISC证书, organizations can nurture a robust risk culture that permeates all levels of the company, 培养公信力, trust and cross-functional collaboration that are vital to the success of collective risk leadership.


The CRISC certification plays a significant role in supporting the implementation of collective risk leadership within an organization in several ways:

  • 培养一致和标准化的方法: 在一家跨国公司, different departments and regional offices can apply the same risk 管理ment framework as outlined in CRISC to identify, 评估和管理风险. 这确保了风险管理实践在整个组织中是一致的, 实现更好的协作和更有效的决策.
  • 加强协作和沟通: 例如, 在金融机构, communication between the IT department and the risk 管理ment team can be facilitated, ensuring that both parties understand the potential risks associated with a new digital banking platform. 通过弥合技术和非技术团队之间的差距, the CRISC-certified professional fosters cross-functional collaboration and shared decision-making.
  • 建立风险意识文化: 一家制造公司为其员工投资CRISC培训, 从而产生更有风险意识的劳动力. CRISC-certified professionals within the organization lead workshops and training sessions to share their 知识 and best practices, promoting a risk-aware culture that encourages proactive risk identification and 管理ment.
  • 加强风险报告和升级过程: 在医疗机构中, a CRISC-certified professional develops a risk reporting process that enables frontline staff to report potential risks related to patient safety. 该系统可确保及时识别风险, 沟通和地址, promoting a collaborative approach to risk 管理ment and fostering collective risk leadership.
  • 有助于持续改进: 通过跟上不断发展的风险管理最佳实践, CRISC-certified professionals help the organization continuously improve and adapt its risk 管理ment strategies to better navigate the changing landscape.

These examples demonstrate how the CRISC certification supports the implementation of collective risk leadership in various industries and contexts, enabling organizations to effectively 管理 risks and enhance their resilience in the face of uncertainty.


总之, collective risk leadership is vital for organizations to effectively 管理 the increasingly complex and interconnected risks they face. 通过培养责任共担和合作的文化, 组织可以增强他们的弹性和适应性, better positioning themselves to navigate the challenges of today’s uncertain world. The CRISC certification plays a crucial role in supporting collective risk leadership by providing professionals with the tools and skills necessary to 管理 risks effectively and promote a consistent approach to risk 管理ment throughout the organization.

编者按: 了解更多关于如何准备CRISC考试的信息 在这里.